
photo of triliumHighly recommended links and contacts

(a kind of videnda)

Warwick Fox philosopher and singer songwriter

Plant Perspectives – an interdisciplinary journal of plant studies

The Plant Initiative – a great site for finding events and ideas of a planty nature

Networking With Plants – very interesting regular podcasts

Permaculture Association excellent resource for ideas on growing

Soil Association doing great work to protect soils also see the work Drugwatch are doing on glyphosate

The Biodynamic Association has a helpful website

Ten Tips for Eco-friendly gardening this was pointed out to me by a home-schooled child who found the other links helpful and wanted to offer me one that she had found. These are easy to do adaptations.

Plant of the Day Jill Raggett’s blog, excellent photo of a plant or garden doing its stuff – a great way to start the day!

Ethical Internet Stroud based provider for designing and hosting websites, such as this one.

Emily Brady friend and collaborator and aesthetician extraordinaire.

Contemporary Aesthetics excellent open access journal.

Environmental Values great interdisciplinary journal.

Social Sculpture research unit  excellent and innovative work.

Tim Collins and Reiko Goto environmental artists whose site has details of past and current projects.

Nature Institute  New York State based resource on Goethean Science

The Field Centre Stroud based and doing Goethean style research

The Proteus Initiative specialising in the social application of Goethean research

Heart Sense Research the website of Louise Livingstone who is doing some interesting work on the heart as producer of knowledge.

Future Self Now this is Theresa Sansome’s great website where you can find out about her coaching and try out a visualization.

Mary Reynolds Thompson I had the good fortune to take a weekend ‘Wild Scribe’ course with Mary – together with the flora and fauna of Hawkwood College this was amazingly inspirational.

Schumacher College an excellent place for innovative nuanced environmental courses.

Society of Botanical Artists I recommend their excellent botanical painting course that I completed in 2013. They also run a great exhibition in London each year.

Lynne Uptin friend and botanical artist

Jo Beal who runs excellent courses in art journaling.  I attended one of these at hawkwood college recently – inspiring!

The Psychosynthesis Trust I attended their excellent ‘Essentials’ course.

Dances of Universal Peace looking forward to the end of Covid and being able to dance together again.

Pari Centre an interesting Tuscan based learning organisation.